The first picture is me doing the unthinkable- holding a package of moldy cheese. Its actually not bad at all. In fact, I might even say that I like it. First time I tried it I was repulsed and actually considered getting back on the plane to say the least. Second, I wasn't necessarily enchanted- more like getting a slip and slide for Christmas in Antartica, and third, fourth and fifth I actually enjoyed it- though not as much as a cold coke after a hard day's work. The second picture is playing fut with my Francais freres. The third is my host father and myself fashioning a roof for their shed. He is a godly, dedicated man and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from him. Hopefully more pictures of ministry at the Feu to come(i.e. the Christian concert and English nights). The Lord has provided more opportunities for me to learn than to share, so please pray for my contentment with that, and boldness to share when the times come. This next week is supposedly the breakthrough week for the so-called French language learning fog. Pray that the breakthrough comes swiftly and decisively like a hornet while sunbathing(though not quite as painful). Also if you could think of me and my lovely girlfriend who has so graciously loaned me to the Lord and moldy cheese for the year. I'm sure we could use prayer for strength and breath mints(for me)
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