Sunday, September 30, 2007

Walnut capital of the world

So I was told today that Grenoble is known as the walnut capital of the world. I went out walnut hunting and came back with a whole bag full of them. There were several little kids and old people that had got most of them on the ground, and I was walnut-hunting with two little French girls to whom I could not make an apology or an excuse for my lack of manhood that put me at a disadvantage to provide for the needs of such helpless babes, so I got the bright idea to climb up into the tree and do the unthinkable. I thought to myself, "why is no one else doing this? why settle for nasty rotten ones on the ground when you can pluck them waiting and ripe off the tree." Since I was giving myself an A+ for bright ideas I decided to shake the branch to knock down the ones I couldn't reach and well, gravity took care of the rest. The only problem was that I was nestled in branch underneath several hundred shaking walnuts unable to remove myself from their path. Suddenly, disadvantage to provide seemed glorious compared to utter stupidity with which I am now hoplessly labeled.

for the record, I miss you Ariel!!!



Amanda Kontz said...

aw. baby. I miss you...this is great! I'm glad you like it...but i bet your you.

jo said...

hey Brother,
Heard of your blog, and will keep up with you that way. You are in my prayers.
Your brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Hehe, who's that other girl writing my messages for me?? ;) Hey Mandy! :) Except she gets to say what I cannot... ;) I miss you beyond words... Love reading this excerpt of your life! :)