The sun came out today and here is a picture of the mountains that i see when I step out my bedroom door. You know what this means, Andrew, we have some new peaks to conquer- and we can walk to them from my house! I just stood and stared at them every chance I got today. People probably thought I had smoked too much marijuana for breakfast or something. The view is worth the weird "you-smoke-too-much-marijuana-too-early-in-the-morning" looks.
Speaking of marijuana, I was telling my French family about the weeds I pulled in their yard this afternoon and their oldest son exclaims, "we have WEED?!?!?!"
Those look like some respectable peaks that deserve to be climbed don't you think? Looks like an amazing place. Nice looking cafe too. How is the coffee? I am just brewing up a pot right now and can't wait. Very funny about the girl kissing you... what does Ariel think of that? lol
What do you mean our coffee tasted like mud!!??? OK, maybe, I will have to try some of this French stuff before I make a judgment, only if it is as strong as you say then that will not be good for me - unless we are climbing a peak. Caffeine you know. Ill drop a line later.
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