ok, well i do do more things than just hang out here in Europe. This is a picture of me and a few young kids i was watching with Mike for a church event in Germany. Don't let their sweet little faces fool you- they were vicious. the three yr old in the pink could formulate sentences that would baffle Shakespeare.

Mike and I were posing on the red carpet when these Serbian girls asked to have their photos taken with us.

This is the famous Sony center. That big white thing is a roof that is situated over a bunch of skyscrapers. Pretty cool.


The Notre Dame Cathedral

Effiel Tower. Never ask someone to take your picture WITH THE EFFIEL TOWER and assume they are going to do a good job. And WHY is my spell corrector telling me that Effiel is not a word.

You won't see this shot in National Geographic. The Effiel tower is not as big as it looks.

The cool thing about Paris is that all the buildings are like this. And everyone wears black and doesn't talk to each other. So the black against the light stone and the erie silence is unnerving. I think they speak Spanish in Paris. I stopped for directions three times and every time they couldn't tell me anything because they only spoke Spanish. WHAT?!?!? NO COMPRENDO?
Paris, Berlin - you need to get out a little! Looks like fun. Sorry about the phone...
can i just say that i am slightly upset that you get to go galavanting all about europe...MY europe! im happy for you though...love ya! im praying for you...hold on there for just a little while longer...
Uh, minor heads up. It is Eiffel.
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