Well for all of you that didn't know the Mediterranean was attached to France like myself, it is! And as God saw fit, it is where I ended up for a few days this week. I went with two Germans, two Canadians, and a Brit from la Feu. It was quite an experience complete with bagettes(a French essential), mountains, cheese, swimming in the Mediterranean with jellyfish, view finding, good christian love and fellowship, and circular conversations due to cultural differences. I learned that the British think butter and batter should be said identically, Germans can't understand me when I say "sting" like "stink" and that Canadians don't mind singing the American national anthem, though their's has better motions. It was a bon time and there was just something good about being able to swim in the Mediterranean with the jelly fish in November. Speaking of November, happy birthday Ariel!
happy birthday ariel-da! ik ben lief;)(sp) hehe...miss ya jon...love ya', call me sometime...
and i'm still hyper-jealous of you...oh well, soon enough(like, in four years!!!)
praying for you,
that's awesome! i didn't know that the canadian national anthem has motions! in poland, they couldn't tell the difference between our "mess" and "mass" - untidy vs. Catholic church service. hm...
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