Wednesday, November 14, 2007

finally...what you've all been waiting for! my opinion!

I am writing this to clear up a common misconception. That misconception is that I like to hear myself think, which is why I write this blog. FALSE. I write this blog because I think you like to hear me think. Just kidding. I write this blog because I want your feedback, arguments, agreements and disagreements. There are many things on which I am opinionated, there are a few things on which I have strong opinions. One of my stronger opinions is that you should respond. Especially when you disagree or agree- which is all the time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Jon. I am trying to think of something about which we do not agree....thinking....thinking

I'm not sure I agree with you attending a Catholic service.....

I agree with everything else I can think of......for now:)

Love you,
